Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Here's to Dreams

It's a great day! AJ came home from work early today, and I love it when he's home in the middle of the week in the middle of the day, b/c I get to dream about the day he will be free. It's going to be soon! I know it! I'm so excited about our dreams coming true and us spending everyday as a family! I love you honey, here's to our dreams coming true! Muah!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

A hilarious post I read on one of my fav blogs!

its been one of these days!!!

Because I'm the Mom

This is a vent. Only a vent. Nothing I say here can or will be used against me! You promise???

This Monkey has reached the end of her rope. They got the best of me, and it only took four and a half years to do it. I truly thought I had the patience of a Saint and was the best Woman for this job. The Saint business went right out the window this morning ... and I can't abandon the ship or give up the job, because I'm the Mom, and when you're the Mom ... it's for better or worse.

Some days it's a toss up which is better and which is worse. Here's my day, and you can sing it to any tune you'd like.

No No No No ... it's five AM, the sun's not up, lay down and go to sleep. Go to sleep, Go to sleep, Go to sleep! Be quiet in there ... don't wake up Sam ... I can't deal with that right now. He's "one on one" and I'm too tired, too pooped to pop ... to pop, to pop, to pop! You what? Go pee? Are you ser-eee-ous? Just sneak down stairs ... quietly, don't talk to loud, don't run, don't play ... just pee and come back here.

All is quiet, I did my job, pillow here I come. I can sneak a few more minutes in before my day begins. What?! You need a drink? You want to eat? You need your boots? You want to play? You don't like that shirt? You need your Dad? You don't like me? You want that toy? Don't cry ... don't cry .... don't cry. Don't wake up Sam ... he's "one on one" and I'm too tired right now.

Let's lay on the couch and sneak some hugs before the day begins. You watch TV... I'll close my eyes. We'll take a nap and catch some ZZZZZZZ's. Sushhhhhhh right now, don't wail that loud, there's room for both of you. One on each side, I still can sleep. Just don't wake up Sam ... he's "one on one" and I'm still tired, just thinking about our day.

The sun is up ... and so is Sam. He's "one on one" and makes me play things I don't want to do. Out to the sandbox? Right now you say? Blue jeans? Gray shirt? No food? Just play? Drink you Milk! Eat your Food! Wash your face! Let's Go!

No No No! No sand in the house. Drive that truck outside. Water? Where did you get that Water? Shoes off the couch. Take that out! No bugs in the house! Put that down. Put that back. Close that door, I'm chasing flies. Sam, you're "one on one."

You need a bath. You have sand in your hair. What's on your hands? Ewwwwww ... take off your clothes. One at a time. Stay out. Close that door. No bubbles. Don't dump that shampoo in there ... in there ... in there. Don't pee in the tub. Don't pee in the sink ... Just don't Ppppeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Sam did what? Trash can in the tub? Oh no ... oh no ... oh no! The floor is wet. Don't slip ... don't fall ... get out in the hall. Stay there. Sit down. Wait your turn. Don't fight. Sam is "one and one" and I'm so tired. It's only noon,

I need a drink ... I need a break. I need to sleep. I need to eat ... but I'm the Mom, and it's my job and it is only noon. Clean up the mess. Make some lunch. Take a nap. Take a break. You're wearing me out ... but I'm the Mom, and it's my job .... and I love you so much!

It's quiet now. They're all asleep ... I get to go pee. By myself, with only the dog for company. Who threw the washcloths in the tub? They're all wet. They all were clean. I'd wake up those kids and make them pay ... but I'm the Mom, and it's my job. I'm so tired ... So here I sit and fingerpeck so I don't wake them up. This is my break, and it still is only noon!

It's all in a days work ... because, I'm the Mom!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Fisher's First Birthday

Fisher's First Birthday
Fisher's First Birthday party was so much fun! It was small, just close friends and family. He was so cute, smiling from ear to ear whenever he heard "Birthday Boy!". We decorated with leftover streamers and a sign from Molly's first birthday and Molly and I printed and colored letters to spell out "F-I-S-H-E-R". Grammy got little buckets with shovels and Nemo fruit snacks and Goldfish crackers and sea-themed tub squirters for party favors and I painted the names of the child guests on the buckets along with the scripture "Come, follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19 They turned out so cute!
For Fisher's cake, I just bought a Carvel icecream cake at the grocery store and stuck fish from the fishing game in it and wrote Fisher. I'm glad I didn't spend a lot of time making a cake since we had to postpone the party a week. However, the icing on those Carvel cakes is aweful! The kids mouths and hands were dyed blue and you could taste the food coloring, so in the future I will scrape that off if I ever buy one again.
I have such mixed feelings about him being one, on one hand it feels like it has flown by. On the other hand, I feel like I've known him forever, and I can hardly remember my life without him. I am so thankful for being his mommy and I'm so excited about the years and birthdays to come!